Sunday 24 February 2013

Update Six Months On

Who can believe that it is already the end of February! So much has happened since I left the UK. I often think of happy days spent at Boscoppa Pre-School and enjoy visiting this blog from time to time. I wonder where all the children and families are and what they have been doing - other than braving the rain and the snow. I would love to hear from you.

This is the view from our deck. We live in Haruru Falls which is near Paihia at the top of the North Island.

These are photographs of Paihia


Please send information or photos on the progress, adventures or experiences of children or staff associated with Boscoppa Pre-School to Heather at the following e-mail address:

If you you would like anything added to the blog please indicate this in your      e-mail.

Thank you and Take Care

Tuesday 18 December 2012


Sadly, despite a long search and many interviews, no-one could be found to take over the running of Boscoppa Pre-School. It was therefore with great reluctance that the Committee decided to close the school at the end of July 2012.

Thanks go to all committee members who gave so freely of their time to support and implement the wishes and interests of the parents and the many children who attended the school. Thank you too for helping to create a good working environment for staff.

To the staff, we say thank you for all your hard work and best of luck in your future endeavours.

Monday 16 July 2012

Donation from Asda

Steve and Tim from Asda visited us today (Friday 16th July 2012) to make a donation of equipment to the Pre-school. We received a selection of toys and CD's and a gift voucher for £10.00 so that we can select anything else we fancy. The children had fun playing with some of the toys straight away and some we have yet to use.

Asda arranged for a photographer to come and take pictures for a press release which will appear in the Guardian and the voice some time in the next couple of weeks.

We also took some pictures which you can view below.

Thursday 28 June 2012



Bubble Painting

Great fun, but remember to blow into the straw, not suck as the paint and wshing up liquid tastes awful!

New Technology

MJ has excellent computer skills, using the touch pad on the laptop to navigate and use programmes. He spent a long time making this picture and then asked me to 'Put it on the Blog please.'

Your wish is my command MJ


Logan made himself and Elle-Mae a barbeque today. Logan built up a load of sticks and then rubbed a couple together very vigorously to start a flame. They were then joined by a whole group of children. Logan will make a good boy scout.

Measuring Up

Comparing how tall we are when standing together in a line.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Jubilee Tea

1 June 2012

Today we had a tea party during free play time in honour of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The children were able to help themselves - and each other!

Firstly some commemorative pictures:

Now some pictures of the children:

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Camping Fun

We set up camp at school today with tents, chairs and even a barbeque with food and ingredients for soup. What fun the chidren had!