Monday 26 September 2011

Monday 26 September 2011

We are learning about tools and repairing/building different things this week.

- wooden articles with a drill, hammers and nails
- books with sellotape or replacement staples,
- clothes with thread and by hand or machine,
- different types of materials like plastic or wood or paper with different
  types of glue
- cars with different tools to the ones used for woodwork.  

Today Claire brought in some woodwork tools for the children to feel, see, experiment with and name.

This is the selection of Claire's husband's tools that
she brought in to show the children

Safety first! Claire demonstrated how
to use the drill, then assisted Jordan when 
he had his turn.
Jordan in action again. He spent a long time
experimenting here today - good concentration

Claire was able to answer the many questions
that the children asked her about how to
hold the tools and what they were called.

MJ asked to be photographed using
this hand held drill.
Caleb was fascinated by
these tools, inspecting them all
Mmhh - what is in this box?

Balancing and turning at the same time
- takes some concentration and control.

Today we swept up a couple of buckets of leaves around the back of the buiding because they were preventing the wheel toys and prams from moving freely.

Summer was extremely enthusiastic and keen to help. She picked up huge armfuls of leaves that Freya had raked into a pile and put them into the bucket with the other leaves that were destined for the compost heap. Summer then insisted on carrying the heavy, full bucket to the other end of the garden (where the compost heap is) all by herself.

Scarlett and MJ were trying to establish who was in charge of the bucket full of leaves.

Lottie, in her coat and borrowed wellies , came to help with the leaves.
She knew exactly which rake she wanted and she helped take some leaves that remained attached to this blue rake to the compost heap