Tuesday 24 April 2012

We decided to experiment with the video camera today and sing two often practised and much loved songs. We will be doing more of this as it is a way of clarifying the words.

Cornwall - Where We Live

Our place in the world and different countries is our theme for this term.

We began with where we live:
          - personal address
          - St Austell
          - Cornwall
          - United Kingdom - England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
          - Europe
          - The World
          - Earth
          - Universe

When learning about Cornwall we made Cornish flags (see our noticeboard) and then we discussed how the pirates used the Cornish coast to bring in illegal bounty. We also discussed how the UK is an island so the next logical step was to make pirate maps. There are some children who have yet to complete their maps so they will be added as they do.

We crumpled and washed the paper we used for the Treasure Maps to age them and make them more authentic. Here are the rest.....

The children then did a paper mache model of the UK, aiming to get the shape right. This is the first stage of a 'work in progress' (on the left)
Complete now.

Summer made this island out of play
dough on her own initiative and happily
 told everyone what she had made.

A map showing weather on our island for a day