Layout of the School Hall and Theme Displays

Pictures will be added periodically so please keep checking back - Thank You!

Music Area
Computer - available every day

We created a 'train' for the morning session

Cars and mats only today - we also have 2 garages
 that we sometimes add for variety
Anyone for playdough?
Layout and equipment is often varied

This is how the doll's area looked today
Exploring and documenting the different food Groups 
Lion Masks - Endangered Animals
This is our display for the weeks we were learning about
extinct and Endangered Animals.
We put it up in the entrance where parents and children
could look at it when waiting for school to start.

Dinosaurs are obviously extinct animals but Jordan knew all their
names and many interesting facts about them! - Well Done
Faces showing emotions of the children
Animals that inhabit the desert

Information about the weather
can be found on the TV
Some new and vibrant place mats!
A novel way to use plastic bags!

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