Saturday 24 September 2011

Jordan decided to make the cars into a long line. He spent ages ensuring that they were properly placed one behind the other. When he was finished he shouted out, 'Look at the traffic jam!' Jordan then went back to the box to find more cars and used them all to make this extra long line. He was so obviously pleased with himself for thinking up this idea all on his own.

This was the day when we had toast with either chocolate spread or jam on for snack. All the children ended up with large amounts of chocolate around their mouths.

MJ stood up and looked around at all of them. He heaved a huge sigh and put his arms on his hips in frustration. MJ then marched over to pick up the packet of wet wipes and proceeded to do the rounds, wiping each child's mouth clean in turn!
Some children have really mastered swinging on the rope swing in the garden. They are strong enough to climb up unassisted and to continue to swing themselves once they have been given an initial push. Holding on tight is essential!
Eyes closed to 'feel' the motion
The first time after some


Coy pride in this achievement,
done without any assistance
well done Maisie!
Kyra has gradually
built up her confidence until she
was happy enough to swing
very high today.

Go Abi! Keep holding on tight.
Freya has just slowed down after
twirling round and round
 - feeling a little dizzy then?