Special Events - Fashion Show

Some pictures from our fashion show - without the children wearing the clothes!

Once we have permission from parents we will add other photos and videos.

Photographs and videos compliments of the Moseley Family - Thank You

Three Special Friends
This is Pirate Morley
with his eye patch, hat
and sword

Recycled outfit,
Skirt from bits and bobs
MJ in the spirit of things

The boys are pictured wearing their smart waist coats
and bow ties. Don't they look handsome!

Girls modelling their swimsuits
Maisie in the outfit
made from recycled materials

Boys in their tye dye t-shirts
Like all the girls, Freya helped to design
and decorate this impressive dress made
completely from recycled materials.
Waiting to come in -
the children were all keen to have another turn

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