Sunday 9 October 2011

Friday 7th October 2011

Every day when we play outside, the children each grab a wheel toy - bicycle, car, pram or scooter or anything from the shed - and then they race around the building pushing or cycling as fast as they can. We usually need an adult to control the flow!

Exiting the shed to play with
the chosen toys.
A sweeping look at what there is!

Leah used great energy as she raced around the building. She quickly picked up the car by the handles and shuffled over uneven surfaces to get right around with everyone else.

Chloe chose this pram as her wheel toy to join the flow around the building.

Thursday 6th October 2011

The staff have been busy taking photographs of the children in action, both for this blog and for the learning journeys. I took a picture of Summer working on her picture for a new placemat for snack time. She then went and fetched the children's camera and took a picture of Leah doing hers.

Tuesday 3 October 2011

A Walk in the Park

We took advantage of a slight break in the wet weather on Tuesday to go to the park. We collected a huge bag full of berries, leaves, twigs and stones to make into collage pictures which are on our display board. Don't forget to have a look when you come in to school.

Here are some pictures from the day.

Group Photograph taken by Vicki

Bethany pushed her way through
thorny bushes to collect berries for our
collage pictures.

We saw a cluster of interesting mushrooms

Kyra carried the bag of 'goodies' for our collage.
We all added what appealed to us and what we thought we could use to make a picture.

This is what our pictures look like now they are
finished and up on our notice board