Science in Action

Frozen Water

MJ found this frozen water on top of a bucket quarter filled and left in the garden.

His mum helped him to do an experiment at home. He filled three containers and left them outside to see what would happen to the contents.
          container 1 - water, frozen surface
          container 2 - water with brocolli in it, frozen surface
          container 3 - tomato sauce, did NOT freeze


How to Make an Egg Float

The children dropped a raw egg into a mug full of water. It immediately sank to the bottom and just stayed there. The children then added lots and lots and lots of salt to the water, stirred well and then dropped the egg into the mug of water. This time the egg floated on the top of the water for some time and then slowly sank to the bottom again.


 Simulating a Volcano
- the children enjoyed this so much that we did it over and over again.

a cup of bicarb inside a play dough 'volcano' to form a crater

pour a mixture of vinegar and red food colouring into the crater in the volcano

watch the 'lava' rise

the lava rises further and runs over the side of the  playdough 'mountain'

all done


Anyone for Scrambled Eggs?

Q: What happens when you mix food colouring with scrambled eggs - in colours    
     chosen by the children?
A: Egg that looks different but tastes the same of course.



Milky Designs

Today we did this science experiment at school:
     - cover the bottom of a saucer with milk
     - drip a couple of drops of food colouring onto the surface of the milk
     - drip a drop of dishwashing liquid onto the food colouring
     - watch carefully!



Play dough is a real favourite with nearly all of the children. They manipulate it with dirty hands, taste it, drop it on the floor and carry it around to all areas of the pre-school making tidying up a 'treasure hunt' at times. We regularly make our own play dough using a recipe that requires cooking in a saucepan. In January, we started using a new recipe where the play dough is made in the microwave in a fraction of the time and using minimal effort! The play dough becomes rubber and lasts a long time - hurrah!!!!!

- 6 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
- 3 cups Plain Flour
- 4 tablespoons Cooking Oil
- 1/2 cup Salt
- 3 cups Water
- Food Colouring

Combine all ingredients in a microwavable bowl and beat with a whisk until smooth.
Cover and microwave on high for 7 minutes, stirring half way through
Remove from the bowl and knead until smooth and even in texture.

Combine with an assortment of tools and accessories for added skill development and interest.

This is Freya's Family
Keanan made this bird and nest
Exhibiting a range of skills
Making a creation together - what will it be?
These two boys had fun together mauipulating the dough and developing their
co-ordination and making many different shapes and objects
 but they did not produce anything in the end.
Large scale spaghetti and meatballs!
Tia found the playdough quite soothing when she felt a little upset
Summer enjoyed a lengthy discussion
while making this playdough family
- Mum, Dad, Keanu and Summer

Ellie was playing inside, then outside, then
inside again so she left her coat on between times!
 This left little room for flexiblity of
movement of her arms.

BELOW: Logan proved very skilful at making and
crimping a cornish pasty at the playdough table