Wednesday 8 February 2012


Thank you to Claire and Rob Oliver who went into the Pre-School over the weekend to fix the gaping hole in the roof of our shed. Much appreciated by all of us!!!
Long may both sheds withstand the weather.

How Quick Are You?

This week, we had some speed challenges. It began with Vicki and Heather racing to finish an illustration with suggestions and help from the children in using specific colours as requested by the artists. The result:-

The children then had a turn but did different activities. First was a race to see who could finish their puzzle first:-

Then the children raced against each other in pairs to transfer as many blocks from the yellow bucket to the up turned table at the other side of the room before the egg timer ran out. They then did the same activity in pairs. Everyone participated with great enthusiasm.
The action pictures are rather blurred because of the excellent speed and committment of the children!


Pick up blocks from this yellow bucket ....
transfer them to this up turned table ...
then back to the other end again

two more children
... and the next two

Making Pasta - A Demonstration

Sam showed the children how the pasta
 makes the dough very thin
MJ watched very carefully

No, not fish fillets!
This is the thin pasta dough which needs to dry before the next process

An attachment cuts the pasta dough into spaghetti
This attachment makes the pasta dough
into long strips

This is the finished product. It is a bit chunky because there was not
enough time to let it dry fully.
It tasted delicious though - the children ate the lot!

As well as making the pasta, the children used bought
pasta for this activity - taking turns to move it from
bowl to bowl with tweezers
These three shared the tools and persisted until
everything was sorted from the plastic bowl
to the smaller ones - well done!