Saturday 26 November 2011

22nd November 2011

Scarlett has been handling and moving this scooter around the garden for ages. She has practised swinging and parking it but she was a bit anxious about actually riding it normally. Today she has mastered this skill and can control the scooter. She is very proud of this achievement and so are all of us.
Well done Scarlett!!!!!

There was water in the tarpaulin covering a trailer at the side of the school
- abracadabra -
it's a great place to play despite the water feeling very cold!
Sleeves up, toys at the ready and away we go.

Summer added a new dimension to this activity. She took water from the tarpaulin and added it to the sand to make it wet enough for a sandcastle - good idea - check it out.

The children are allowed open access to the shed to bring out toys they wish to play with. These children started a new game where they put things away in the shed instead - themselves! They closed the door and hid under the table. There was loads of giggling when they heard staff looking everywhere for them. 'They were here a minute ago!' 

17th November 2011

Today Vicki did baking with the children.
We have remembered what we always knew - they all love to bake so we will be doing this activity every week this term.
Today we used the 'Easy Shortbread' recipe from the draft of our
Boscoppa Pre-School Recipe Book.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

9th November 2011

Mrs Bray from Carclaze School came to visit the Pre-School. She was keen to meet the children who will be going there in September.

12 November 2011

Victoria can play the violin!

We decided that the children would like to see a real violin in it's own special case, listen to Victoria playing some pieces of music and have a chance to try to play the violin themselves.
We were correct - the children sat so well, listened and watched with great interest.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

4 November 2011

We are very grateful to the firemen from the St Austell fire station who brought a fire engine to school for the children to look at as we have been learning about fire safety.

After the children had looked the fire engine over, seen the blue lights flashing and heard the extremely loud siren, they each had a turn to hold the fire hose and spray the garden so that they could feel the power of the water needed to put out a fire.

Saturday 22 October 2011

20th October 2011

Today we added a whole container that we have in our store room full of hair bands, jewellery and other girlie stuff to our choice of toys and activities for the morning.

This created incredible interest and discussion amongst a group of girls who then accessed the store room for dressing up clothes to add to the accessories that they had chosen. Unusual way round!

They asked for individual photographs and then one of them as a group.


16th October 2011

After we have tidied up mid morning, we all sit on the carpet and read books while the snack is being made.

This is a social time where each child has the chance to interact with children who they don't normally play with. 

There is also an opportunity for the children make links with what they see in the books and then to contribute information or tell others about similar experiences that they have had. 

Saturday 15 October 2011

Thursday 13th October 2011

Today was Dress Up Day for the Children.

Vicki brought some costumes for the children to try on in the morning.
For ring time, we put down the long grey carpet as a cat walk and encouraged the children to walk down while being watched and encouraged by the other children sitting on each side of the carpet.
Some were shy and needed emotional support from their friends, some did amazing and appropriate movements and some remained as spectators.  

And who could this be?

Guess who?

Jordan looks so relaxed and casual sitting here with Logan
but unfortunately
he did not want to take part in the parade.

With a little bit of help as requested
from Summer who was overcome
by shyness ........
Leah loved the feeling of twirling this skirt
around as she moved. She coped well with the
high heeled shoes.

The unseparable pair of friends!

A Scary Spotty Blue Dinosaur
I have done growling, twirling, hunting
and prowling. Now look at how high I
can jump.

Looking for dinner for this ferocious, hungry

What is it that you wish for?
This is the Fairy with a magic wand to grant
wishes with a flick and a chant.

Amelia has only been to Pre-school
a few times but she was keen
to join in and roared
into the camera like a lion

Watching with keen interest as it is the turn of the grown ups.
Is it Vicki or Heather next?

A breather in between clapping and supporting the children coming
down the carpet.

Vicki swanking her stuff as a
bearded pirate.

And here comes the wicked, scary
witch with warts on her face and
a broom stick for transport.


Kyra walked on tip toes, twirled and did some wonderful and
well co-ordinated ballet moves.
Is Spiderman about to reveal his
true identity at last?

Ready to go now!!
Cody remembered to fetch the fireman's
hat to complete his outfit. Well done!!


Two Georgeous Princesses
Are there any handsome princes out there?
Travis decided to be 
 - punch, punch, punch -
a ninja kung foo fighter