Saturday 26 November 2011

22nd November 2011

Scarlett has been handling and moving this scooter around the garden for ages. She has practised swinging and parking it but she was a bit anxious about actually riding it normally. Today she has mastered this skill and can control the scooter. She is very proud of this achievement and so are all of us.
Well done Scarlett!!!!!

There was water in the tarpaulin covering a trailer at the side of the school
- abracadabra -
it's a great place to play despite the water feeling very cold!
Sleeves up, toys at the ready and away we go.

Summer added a new dimension to this activity. She took water from the tarpaulin and added it to the sand to make it wet enough for a sandcastle - good idea - check it out.

The children are allowed open access to the shed to bring out toys they wish to play with. These children started a new game where they put things away in the shed instead - themselves! They closed the door and hid under the table. There was loads of giggling when they heard staff looking everywhere for them. 'They were here a minute ago!' 

17th November 2011

Today Vicki did baking with the children.
We have remembered what we always knew - they all love to bake so we will be doing this activity every week this term.
Today we used the 'Easy Shortbread' recipe from the draft of our
Boscoppa Pre-School Recipe Book.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

9th November 2011

Mrs Bray from Carclaze School came to visit the Pre-School. She was keen to meet the children who will be going there in September.

12 November 2011

Victoria can play the violin!

We decided that the children would like to see a real violin in it's own special case, listen to Victoria playing some pieces of music and have a chance to try to play the violin themselves.
We were correct - the children sat so well, listened and watched with great interest.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

4 November 2011

We are very grateful to the firemen from the St Austell fire station who brought a fire engine to school for the children to look at as we have been learning about fire safety.

After the children had looked the fire engine over, seen the blue lights flashing and heard the extremely loud siren, they each had a turn to hold the fire hose and spray the garden so that they could feel the power of the water needed to put out a fire.