Thursday 26 January 2012

Weird Foods

How many of these foods can you name? 
There were some that the children did not recognise in their original state like garlic. Some others that we looked at but did not photograph included fresh garlic, red pepper and other vegetables, pasta and herbs. The children touched, smelled and tasted as many of the foods as they were willing to, including those they did not recognise. We learnt a few facts about each one.

passion fruit or granadilla
kiwi fruit
fresh fig


A moolie as long as my arm! fancy that
Everyone else also wanted their arm measured
 against the moolie
 - what an amazing vegetable!
Feel the ginger ...

smell the ginger ....

not so great tasting when it's raw!

Children Number Line

All in a line now - in order 1 to 10 please

Army Style Exercises

A grown up casually sat or lay on either side of this blue blanket to anchor it to the floor while the children crawled through one at a time. After the first child was courageous enough to attempt this, most of the children were keen to try.This created many new wave hair styles which we all found most amusing!

Saturday 14 January 2012

Let's Make an Aquarium

Today the challenge was to create a realistic aquatic environment. This is the sequence of guidelines that were given to the childen:

  1. What needs to go on the bottom? Look in the store rooom to see if you can find them. (bottle of small white stones)
  2.  Can you find the underwater plants and put them in? Why is it good to have them there?
  3.  Choose everything that belongs in water from this large selection of animals and put them into the aquarium.
  4. Which animals and/or fish of those you have chosen also like to be out of the water?
As soon as the sun came out, we moved the activity to the larger water tray outside. More children then joined in.


These tiles are especially made to fit together into a hopscotch format - if the numbers are followed correctly. The children worked together to figure it out and then enjoyed doing the activity.This combines maths with physical challenge and fun.

Could we do this again please?

What!!! Blue margarine!!! Toasted!!! Covered in sprinkles!!! How revolutionary!!!

...... next time could we please have a choice of colours to prove that whatever food colour we use - red, green, orange, red or even black - the taste stays the same?

Doesn't buttering bread require some skill and concentration!





Sunday 8 January 2012

Christmas Songs at the Fair

Some committee members came in and did sorting, wrapping and marking of stuff for the Christmas Fair. The children were really excited about people they know visiting the Pre-School and so were happy to help in the preparation. They made things that would be sold on the morning and they practised singing Christmas songs and carols, having decided that the people supporting them would join in.


Wednesday 4 January 2012

Father Christmas Visits

Father Christmas came to visit on the day of the Christmas Fair. He was a most welcome visitor! Father Christmas was accompanied by one of his elves who helped him to deliver all the presents. Thanks for coming!