Wednesday 28 March 2012

Discovery Close to School

The Pre-School has discovered that there is a park near by - in Centuary Close in fact - that we have never been to. It twirls up the hill and has three levels with some challenging climbing and swinging equipment that excited all the children. We were circled by a low flying yellow helicopter. The view over this part of St Austell is truly stunning. Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Ballet Preparation

Heather explained to the children that preparing for a ballet show or any concert where there is an audience who watch music or other kinds of activities takes a lot of time and effort. Props are needed and the participants dress carefully, paying attention to their costumes, hair and even their nails. The children were keen to have their nails done before the ballet ring with Bethany demonstrating.

Ballet a la Beth

In keeping with our themes on music and dance, Beth donned her tutu and showed us some excellent ballet poses. The children then had a chance to copy what she did. We all had great fun regardless of wether we were simply watching or taking part.

Noise, noise, noise!

Today we went back to the beginning of music - the way children often begin at home. It was very noisy using pots and pans but just as exciting as using teaspoons to test the sounds that different materials around the room make.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Spring Surprise!

There used to be a pond in the 'little enclosed garden'. This was removed a while ago but the frogs come back year after year to lay their eggs in the same place. 
Yesterday we went to play there and saw masses of frog spawn where the pond used to be. We put it into a bucket of water so that anyone who uses the hall could have a look at it.
The chlorine in the water damages the spawn though so what we found today, we put into a bucket of fresh water that Eric brought us.
If anyone has a home for this frog spawn, please let us know.

Monday 5 March 2012

Challenge for Today

Guiness Book Of Records Challenge:
How many children can you fit inside this tent
- at the same time of course!

All in? Smile for the camera!

Now see if we can close the tent door.

Being Spontaneously Creative

These children spontaneously arranged the snack on their plates into a picture - following Archie's example which is why he has two pictures.

14 February 2012


Making Charts

We have been enjoying making charts to reflect the reaction of children to different activities. We encourage all the children to become involved and participate, giving impromptu reactions to their experience.
We will continue to use this method for recording.

Vicki had pictures that represented different emotions.
The children looked at the pictures and identified the emtions amidst comments and discussion.